Louis DeSipio's comments on immigration reform picked as The Wall Street Journal quote of the day Nov. 20, 2015
As more Mexicans leave the U.S. than arrive, largest wave of immigration in modern American history ends, causing major labor concerns in the U.S., says DeSipio, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal
Research by Ruben Rumbaut, sociology Distinguished Professor, is featured by The Daily Signal Nov 10, 2015
Mentoring program pairs new students with upperclassmen who also are first in their families to go to college
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, is quoted by Fox News Latino Oct. 27, 2015
Ruben Rumbaut, sociology Distinguished Professor, on immigrants and crime, courtesy of Newsweek Oct. 14, 2015
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, comments in the International Business Times Oct. 13, 2015
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